Latest Episodes

The Sound of Crime (Blackhawk 229)
The Blackhawks are washed up...or ARE they? Not if Oscar the giant robot ant has anything to say about it! It's part 2 of...

One of Our Planets is Missing (Hawkman 18-19)
Thanagar - missing! Adam Strange - one zeta-beam away from death! Manhawks - on the rampage! What this crisis needs is a strongly-worded letter...

Mopey Dope (Flash 167)
"Teacher says, every time a bell rings, a mediocre white man gets super-powers!" It's the REAL origin of the Flash - or is it?...

Champion of the Playground (Batman 189)
Free ice cream for everyone! But not before a little tussle with the Scarecrow and his goons. PLUS Time Machine Mailbag AND an important...

Quite a Reach (Secret Hearts 114, 115 & 116)
A Valentine's Day treat! Chapter 5 of "Reach for Happiness" presented by the Girls' Young Romance True Love Story Players, the Eastern Panhandle of...

Too Big for His Britches (Our Army at War 176/G.I. Combat 122)
Sgt. Rock has a big bruiser gunnin' for his stripes and Easy Co. is none too happy about it. Luckily there's a kitten avilable...