Latest Episodes

Timey-Whimey (Brave and the Bold 69)
Whirly-Bats! Medieval torture devices! Scientific gobbledegook! Gay Batman and hipster Green Lantern! What more could you ask for? It's The Brave and the Bold...

Running Hot and Cold (Flash 166)
Flash has an uncontrollable urge to do something he should have done WAY before he walked down the aisle...and a bum ankle to boot!...

Pee-King-Eeez (Doom Patrol 109/Fox and Crow 101)
Don't panic, the Doom Patrol isn't dead after all (yet) but they do have to put a beat down on a giant plastic barbarian....

Kids Ruin Everything (Doom Patrol 108)
Mento gets small and rescues Elasti-Girl from a bizzare microscopic world - and that's just the first three pages! The Brotherhood of Evil reveal...

Erasing the Past (Batman 188)
Batman faces a dappily-dressed menace from his past - apparently not dapper enough to be on Gotham's Ten Best-Dressed List, but that's another story!...

I'm Sure Secrets Die on Other Islands, Too (Strange Adventures 195/Star-Spangled War Stories 130)
Animal-Man moves his super-hero career into high gear and gets the jump (pun intended) on a gang of nogoodniks! PLUS a little bit of...