Latest Episodes

Checkered Past Episode 25: Strange Adventures 186!
It's our 25th episode! The My Greatest Strange Mystery Tale Adventure Players drop by to share three cerebral tales of the weird and whimsical...

Checkered Past Episode 24: Blackhawk 218!
Seven confirmed bachelors battling for the honor of a 97-pound weakling. It's like 'Queer Eye' but with planes! And don't forget the threat of...

Checkered Past Episode 23: Doom Patrol 102!
Grab a drink, you'll need it to get through all the cra-cra-CRAAAAAZY hi-jinks when the Doom Patrol teams up with the Challengers of the...

Checkered Past Episode 22: Showcase #61!
Dr. Husband is here to talk about our mutual love of Ice Cubes Gum, pot-bellied eldritch demons, and DC's Discarnate Detective, The Spectre!

Checkered Past Episode 21: World's Finest #156!
Superman and Batman try to outsmart their Bizarro duplicates, while Tommy Tomorrow and his "buddy" Brent ignore every rational protocol while exploring a planetoid!

Checkered Past Episode 20: Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #91!
Doctors Bobb and Husband discuss juvenile delinquency, what the things inside bells are called, PLUS a new radio drama by the Girls' Young Romance...