Latest Episodes

Brothers in Arms (Capt. Storm 17/Our Fighting Forces 105)
Capt. Hunter finds his brother at last! Oh wait, no, that's Lu Lin's brothjer, and he's a dirty traitor to all that's decent! PLUS...

The Patriarchy Deserves to Die (Wonder Woman 167)
Wonder Woman's Magic Lasso get's a whole issue to itself! What happens when Wonder Woman gets bound by her own magic rope? NOTHING GOOD,...

O Cap'n, My Cap'n (Tomahawk 108)
Tomahawk’s out! The Rangers get a new commanding officer just in time to make a daring raid on a British POW camp. Oh and...

Alas, Poor Lois (Superman 192 & 194)
In what turns out to be a REALLY bad stroke of luck, Superman loses his powers and then forgets that he was ever Superman!...

Christmas in July (Sugar & Spike 68/Aquaman 31)
Aquaman aka Agent Double-0 7 Seas (get it?) battles O.G.R.E. for the collective lives of the United Nations, while Sugar and Spike battle capitalism...

Love and Marriage (Our Army at War 175/Swing with Scooter 4)
Sgt Rock - jilted! If only he could've gotten some love advice from Scooter and his juvenile delinquent friends! PLUS love advice for the...