Childhood local television! John Byrne's creepy children! Political commentary on the Supreme Court! 500 teenagers that all look the same (except for the fat one). OH YES, and The Joker gets a kicky new sidekick! It's Batman #186 and Swing with Scooter #3!
British television! Invaders from other dimensions! Eastern European royalty! Our pal Martin Gray joins us to discuss Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, and we didn't...
Supergirl and Superboy...BANISHED from the Legion?!?! Say it ain't so! WHO can ever replace them? Sir Prize and Miss Terious, THAT'S who...but what is...
Dr. Bobb's twerking injury! Cap'n Butler's fart attack! Dr. Husband's love of Infantino inking himself! PLIUS a sub-par Batman story and an above-average Elongated...