The real Saint Valentine came to a bloody end, but you can avoid all unpleasantness with our Valentine's Day Special! From Secret Hearts #113 comes Chapter 4 of "Reach for Happiness", dramatized for you by the Girls' Young Romance True Love Story Players! PLUS the return of Time Machine Mailbag, beauty tips from Liza Roundalot and Withers LaRue, and so much more!
Poet Laureate Robert Frost famoulsy wrote, "Some say the world will end in a robot apocalypse, some say in being strangled by plastic garbage",...
A human Starfish! A man-baby! Fingerhut catalogues! PLUS the world premiere of my original composition, The Dial H For Hero song! Join us for...
The bells are ringing for Flash and his gal! But who will be fastest down the aisle - Flash, or Professor Zoom?!? It's Flash...