A short and sweet episode today, Dr. Husband has me on a VERY tight schedule. But not so tight that I can't wax eloquently about what an awful misogynistic pig Doc Magnius is! It's Metal Men #23!
(continuing a story from Metal Men 22, covered on this podcast [checks notes] OVER A YEAR AGO: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/checkered-past/id1350233450?i=1000601970551)
Catwoman emerges after 12 years in retirement to (checks notes) announce her retirement...she just has a few odds and ends to take care of...
Say, who's that big green fella wreaking havoc throughout the city? Whoever it is, he's got a sporty sleeveless jumpsuit that fits to a...
Are ya ready? Are ya with it? This week, Dr. Bobb and Dr. Husband discuss the psychological trauma of Superman, and the dickishness of...