Red and yellow, kill a fellow, but don't tell that to the golden-clad Elongated Man! PLUS - Batman and Robin, being impersonated by a couple of college pranksters? Say it ain't so! PLUS PLUS - The sensational character finds of 2023, Beefy and Boo-Boo! It's all here in Detective Comics #357!
Batman vs Weather Wizard in a fight to the finish! Robin sidelined due to poor basketball technique! Elongated Man led astray by gypsy tea...
Dr. Husband is here to talk about our mutual love of Ice Cubes Gum, pot-bellied eldritch demons, and DC's Discarnate Detective, The Spectre!
I think we can all agree on three things that we all hate: Misogyny, Racial Stereotypes, and Steve Trevor. Find out why in this...