Batman faces a dappily-dressed menace from his past - apparently not dapper enough to be on Gotham's Ten Best-Dressed List, but that's another story! (Literally. It's another story right in this very same issue.) PLUS learning to shave, the return of Irene Vartanoff, and so much more!
While Superboy deals with the mild annoyance of young Lex Luthor with the powers of a 5th-dimensional imp, Krypto has the most exciting day...
Large-scale puppetry! Shakespearean romance! And a booze-loving kitten! All this PLUS Jerry Lewis battles a mad scientist, a giant monster, and overbearing parents! It's...
Something different this week - I give Dr. Husband a modern-ish comic or two to read, influenced by Silver Age themes and characters. First...