Jeb and the Haunted Tank Crew (minus General Stuart, who I guess couldn't be bothered) travel through a time warp to World War I, where they meet none other than Sgt. Rock! (no, not THAT Sgt. Rock, but close!) PLUS the Green Glob spreads his gassy joy over the world once again! It's GI Combat #121 and Tales of the Unexpected #98, right here and right now!
I can hardly hear myself think what with all the dog growling and laundry doing and Blockbusting! Blockbuster is back to...ummm....BUST Batman and Robin,...
Work Friend Chuck re-joins us to talk about Sea Devils #28, featuring Man-Fish, Captain X, and something called a "Manosaur".
The Justice League has double trouble when Felix Faust starts multiplying just like a renegade Carggite! Luckily it's the sixties when everyone knows that...