Latest Episodes

Hey Lady! It's the Adventures of Jerry Lewis #93!
Doctor Husband, sick with a cold, rallies his strength to discuss The Adventures of Jerry Lewis #93 (March/April 1966).

Checkered Past Episode 30: Adventure Comics 342!
Objection overruled! Star Boy is on trial for breaking the Legion Code against killing, but don't worry, Superboy's got the defense locked up! (Spoiler...

Checkered Past Episode 29: Action Comics 335!
The Action-Packed (pun intended) sequel to our very first episode! We talk about Charlie's Angels! Grease 2! Mego Dolls! And a little bit about...

Checkered Past Episode 28: Capt. Storm 12!
What do you get when you cross a peg-leg PT Captain with America's sweetheart Miss Cherry Pie? Zany hi-jinks in the coastal waterways of...

Checkered Past Episode 27: Justice League of America 43!
America's Sweethearts, Charlie and Kelly, return to discuss Justice League of America #43, featuring the debut of the Royal Flush Gang!

Checkered Past Episode 26: Batman 179!
America's sweethearts, Charlie and Kelly, join us to riddle out department stores, the orgins of soda pop, Bubba the Redneck Werewolf, and also a...